Social Media Sizing Help
There are so many options for information on social media post sizing. So why is it so hard to find the best one? Well, here’s a couple of short-cuts.
Constant Contact has a great link on sizing for all social media platforms.
Need help with online design? Google has you covered. Now if you only had a day or two to play with each one.
Selling tickets online? We probably know the top 2-3 used by most of us. Google had a few that may be new to you.
Pixels are different than inches. Here’s a converter shortcut in case it helps you visualize sizes.
Canva is a graphic designer platform for the common (wo)man. You can create good-looking posts for virtually every platform plus flyers, etc. You can create your own custom Zoom background, too.
Pick out one or a whole new palette of colors for your branding or project on Color Hex, W3Schools, or multiple others just by searching for hex palette guide.
If you have something you use that you find easy and, best of all, free, post in the comments please.