Florida main streets were borne from Florida law (Chapter 163, Part III), which allows local governments to designate areas as Community Redevelopment Areas when certain conditions exist. Since all the monies used in financing CRA activities are locally generated, CRAs are not overseen by the state, but redevelopment plans must be consistent with local government comprehensive plans. To be eligible for CRA funding, an historic downtown must exhibit certain conditions that support the creation of a CRA, such as the presence of substandard or inadequate structures, a shortage of affordable housing, inadequate infrastructure, insufficient roadways, and inadequate parking. To document that the required conditions exist, the local government must survey the proposed redevelopment area and prepare a Finding of Necessity. If the Finding of Necessity determines the area as “legally blighted,” the local government may create a CRA to provide the tools needed to foster and support redevelopment of the targeted area. The Florida Redevelopment Association is the nonprofit dedicated to CRAs and advocate, train, and provide events to help local economic redevelopment. They have a wealth of information on their website. Their staff is extremely helpful and happy to chat with main street directors.
Tips You Should Know About Working with Your CRA
If your city uses a Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) to return financial investment back to the CRA, a plan was written. You should have a printed and/or electronic copy of that plan. A CRA can do what the Plan allows and, reversely, cannot do what the Plan does not allow. Plans can be changed, but it’s a super big deal and not easily undertaken.
Become familiar with your city’s redevelopment codes, specifically what zoning designations and restrictions exist so you know what can easily be developed versus what requires conditional use changes or comprehensive plan changes. There’s a big difference between the two.